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The following chart presents data on serials for which a cessation or suspension in publishing was entered in Ulrich's. The type of cessation can be noted in the Status column, while the date and/or last number can be noted in the Year column.
2001 Plus1268-8533Ceased2008
2Raeder Ceased2013
4Wheel Fun0946-2937Ceased2009
Aardvark Entreprises. Catalogue of Publications Ceased20??
Academia Canaria de Ciencias. Revista1130-4723Ceased2016
Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisico-Quimicas y Naturales. Revista0370-3207Ceased2016
Academia Guatemalteca de Estudios Genealogicos, Heraldicos e Historicos. Revista0065-0463Ceased2004
Academia Pernambucana de Letras. Revista Ceased2018
Academia Peruana de Cirugia. Revista0001-3854Ceased1980
Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Savoie. Memoires1157-075XCeased 
Accademia dei Concordi Rovigo. Collana di Musiche Ceased 
A C M C Forum0836-3463Ceased20??
Acta Brasileira do Movimento Humano2238-2259Ceased2017
Acta Romanica0939-8333Ceasedvol.9, 1997
Acustica United with Acta Acustica1610-1928Ceased2019
Adam Black Video Directory of Adult Film1533-5992Ceased20??
Adam Film World Guide1533-5984Ceased20??
Adult Day Services Letter Ceased20??
Advancements in Electrical and Electronics Technology2472-6001Ceased201?
Advertising Red Books. Agencies, The1548-257XCeased20??
African Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery1994-7461Ceased2016
African Publishing Review1019-5823Ceased201?
Agencias e Anunciantes Ceased2017
Ag Lender1532-8902Ceased20??
AIDS Reference Guide Ceased2??
Alabama Employment Law Letter1049-9369Ceased20??
Alberta Catholic Directory0316-473XSuspended2013
Alberta FarmLife Ceased20??
Alberta Government Libraries' Newsletter0707-0306Ceased2000
Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics0711-382XCeased20??
Alibi du Colibri, L'1774-7309Ceased 
All Canada Weekly Summaries - National0705-1360Ceased20??
Alternatives Internationales1634-6386Ceased2015
American Journal of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention2574-3570Ceased2015
American Rider1072-4893Ceased20??
America's Favorite Inns, B & Bs & Small Hotels: New England Ceased20??
America's Favorite Inns, B & Bs & Small Hotels: Rocky Mountains & the Southwest Ceased20??
America's Favorite Inns, B & Bs & Small Hotels: The Middle Atlantic1098-2191Ceased20??
America's Favorite Inns, B & Bs & Small Hotels: The Midwest Ceased20??
America's Favorite Inns, B & Bs & Small Hotels: The South1098-2108Ceased20??
America's Favorite Inns, B & Bs & Small Hotels: The West Coast1098-2205Ceased20??
America's Favorite Inns, B&Bs & Small Hotels: U S A & Canada (Year) Ceased20??
Americas Update1195-7166Ceased20??
Analytic Separations News1545-7532Ceased20??
Andrews Litigation Reporter: Derivatives1556-8830Ceased20??
Andrews Litigation Reporter: Disability1557-0509Ceased20??
Andrews Litigation Reporter: Drug Recall1555-8916Ceased20??
Andrews Litigation Reporter: Professional Liability1555-595XCeased20??
Annals of Bone Marrow Research Ceased2017
Annals of Robotics and Automation Ceasedpublished only once, 2017
Annotated Alberta Franchises Act1480-7084Ceased20??
Annotated British Columbia Assessment Act1206-4831Ceased20??
Annotated British Columbia Mineral Tenure Act1480-4549Ceased2009
Antenna Systems & Technology1099-2553Ceased20??
Anuario de Midia Ceased2016
Anuario de Propaganda0570-3956Ceased2015
Appliance Magazine0003-6781Ceased201?
aQua en Vision2213-2341Ceased2011
Archives of Hydroengineering and Environmental Mechanics1231-3726Ceased201?
Artes Populares0139-4649Ceased20??
Arts and Artifacts in Movie Technology, Aesthetics, Communication1824-6184Ceased2015
Asian Journal of Social and Economic Sciences2383-0948Ceased2015
Association Les Amis de Saint Jacques. Bulletin1774-5268Ceased 
Associations U S A1934-452XCeased201?
Assurantie Agenda1382-712XCeased201?
Atlantic Baptist, The0004-6752Ceased20??
Australian Presbyterian1445-7962CeasedAt the end of 2018, AP announced it would no longer produce printed magazines. Instead, it launched this new, fresh website in January 2019. 2018
AutoConnect (Dutch Edition)1574-1087Ceased2011
AutoService Quarterly1480-347XCeased20??